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Sunday 1 April 2012

The Russian empire

The Russian empire was the name of Russia in the short period between the Tsardom of Russia and The Russian Republic. The Russian empire was a Absolute monarchy by divine right. It lasted from 1721-1917.
In the time of the Russian Empire there were two major revolts. The revolts were the Decembrist revolt which played out on the 26th of December. Around 3000 soldiers turned out to revolt about Nicholas I's assumption of the throne.The revolt ended in a government victory and the deportation of all of the  Decembrist's(The name given to the people who revolted)to Siberia. The revolt may have been a failure but it did bring the idea of revolting against the Tsar in power. We now continue to the 1905 revolution. The 1905 Revolution was against the pretender Nicholas II. The revolution consisted of thousands to tens of thousands of people revolting against Nicholas II being in power and really at the government itself. In 1917 The Russian Empire became a republic during the year of the February and October revolutions.

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