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Thursday 29 March 2012

Tsardom of Russia.

The Tsardom of Russia was the Russian was the name of the centralized Russian state that was formed by Ivan IV. It was formed in 1547, It lasted until 1721 when it was proclaimed the Russian Empire. After it was proclaimed The Russian Empire it was also considered a European Country based on it's masses of land now overflowing into Europe. The government of the Tsardom of Russia was of course Tsar's. The two Tsars of Russia that lasted in the Tsardom Era were Ivan IV and Peter I. I would go into more depth about this time but It is quite a complicated era with a lot of problems and wars so I will just sum up some of the main events of the era.
I will start off with the Time of troubles(1598–1613). This was a period of which around a third of the population died from lack of food. This is often considered the start of the revolution because of the masses of unrest caused by it. This is considered one of the down points in Russian history of late. My other key event will be the Treaty of Nystad(10 September 1721).  This is the point in time where Russian invaded large parts of Sweden and a treaty was formed so that Sweden could still exist while Russia still controlled a large part of Sweden. This could be linked to unrest in Russia from the larger amount of land and also the immigrants.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Before the revolution

Before the revolution can best be split up into two areas(Because going any father back would be irreverent to my research). The two areas will be Tsardom of Russia and The Russian Empire.  They were both commanded by emperors and chairman of the council of ministers. To start off with the Tsardom of Russia lasted from
1547-1721. Which was succeeded by the short lived Russian Empire. I will continue in more depth into some of the areas of the Russian Empire and Tsardom of Russia in my next post.

Starting of my research.

Just re-posting that this blog will follow my research of the Russian Revolution. Just Re-Posting because my first post was junk.

Causes of the start of the Russian revolution.

The causes of the Russian revolution: Some of the reasons for the Russian revolution were things like, war, poverty, dislikes of the royal family. Some more are things like unrest after the wars and extreme poverty in some area's. You can also say some of the reasons for a new government were dislike of the tzars.
All and all at the time of the revolution the people were all displeased with the royal family and did not like how they would not get a say in anything(Which ironically is what happened after Lenin died).